How to prepare for a podcast recording

According to demandsage, there are about 5 million podcasts available globally, with over 70 million episodes, and an estimated audience of more than 500 million. The average listener spends a whopping 7 hours per week on their favorite podcast app, while one out of five tend to listen in more than three hours a day.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just dipping your toes into the audio waters, preparation is key to a successful recording session. In this post I’ll give you a few tips about how you can prepare yourself for recording a podcast – regardless if you’re to deliver a one-person show or hosting a group conversation, their prep is not very different from that of a public presentation or a panel discussion.

Preparing for a solo podcast:

  • Know (or research) your material: Your content is king. Whether you are discussing pizza baking, true crime, or space travel, make sure you earn the right to be listened to and be taken seriously.
  • Outline your content: Before hitting the record button, take some time to outline the main points you want to cover in your episode. This will help keep you on track and ensure you cover all the important topics.
  • Practice, practice, practice: Practice makes perfect! Rehearse your script or talking points beforehand to iron out any kinks and ensure a smooth delivery. Listen back, cringe a little, and improve.
  • Check your audio tools: Make sure your microphone, headphones, and recording software are all set up and working properly. Test everything out before you start recording to avoid any technical hiccups.
  • Create a comfortable environment: Find a quiet space with minimal background noise where you can record without interruptions. Keep your children and your pets at a good distance. Consider investing in some (semi-) professional equipment to improve audio quality.
  • Warm up your voice: Hum, chant, sing, or recite tongue twisters. Your voice –and your listeners– will thank you.

Preparing for a group podcast:

  • Coordinate with your guests: If you’ll be recording with multiple participants, make sure everyone is on the same page regarding the topic, format, agenda, and logistics of the episode. Schedule a pre-recording meeting or call to go over details.
  • Assign roles: Determine who will be the host, who will take on guest roles, and any other roles that may be needed (e.g., moderator, tech support). You may even agree upfront on a devil’s and an angel’s advocate.
  • Test your connections: When recording with remote panelists, do a test run to make sure everyone’s internet connection is stable and audio volumes are balanced. Ask them to use good quality headphones to minimize echo and acoustic feedback.
  • Embrace natural conversation: While it’s important to have a plan, don’t be afraid to let the conversation flow naturally. Encourage participants to share spontaneous insights and accept that interruptions are inevitable.

So, get ready to unleash your inner podcaster, hit the record button, and let your podcasting journey begin.

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